台兒胎兒醫學網(台兒case library) 將過去於北區胎兒影像季例會的經典個案逐一紀錄下來,提供一個有志胎兒影像學的同道共同學習,讓同業互相支援和交流,共同提升胎兒醫療診斷品質。
- 初診日期:2018.06
- 產前診斷:台兒醫師張東曜、台兒醫師池宛玲、台兒醫師陳彥妮、台兒放射師劉冠儀、北榮放射線部醫師郭萬祐、北榮放射線部醫師李函叡、北榮放射線部醫師余思賢。
- 產後治療:台北馬偕小兒科醫師張弘洋
- 討論會時間:2019.01.12(北區胎兒影像學第23次討論會)
- 病名:疑小腦出血(產後確診 CMV)
- Indication: routine screening
- History:G2P1
- karyotyped and aCGH done
- Image findings:
22w0d: borderline head size, cardiomegaly (CT ratio 0.62), mild pericardial effusion,
AFI 8.12 cm, DV dilatation, normal cerebellum (image 1)
Image 1: 22w0d normal cerebellum
28w6d: increased echogenecity of fetal cerebellum (image 2), suspect cerebellar hemorrhage, MCA PI dereased, low AFI 5.5 cm
Image 2: 28w6d increased echogenecity of cerebellum, r/o hemorrhage
33w6d: resolution of cerebellar lesions (image 3), persistent cardiomegaly and DV dilatation
Image 3: 33w6d resolution of cerebellar lesions
MRI 29w5d: Heterogeneous SI and swelling appearance at inferior portion of bilateral cerebellar hemisphere, more at left side, high SI on T1WI, and intermediate to low SI on T2WI, No IVH in the 4th ventricle. R/I Subacute hemorrhage in cerebellum (image 4, 5)
Image 4: MRI 29w5d R/I Subacute hemorrhage in the cerebellum
Image 5: MRI 29w5d R/I Subacute hemorrhage in cerebellum
- Outcome:
產婦於35週4天自然產,新生兒出生後心臟、肝脾腫大、皮膚有出血點、頭圍偏小 ,出生後驗血確診為巨細胞病毒感染(image 6),給予藥物治療。聽力及發展穩定並持續於小兒科追蹤。
Image 6: 產後圖