春眠不覺曉,處處聞啼鳥,夜來風雨聲,花落知多少。(春曉,唐 .孟浩然)
I overslept myself in the spring and didn’t know that the morning had already come .And now the birds’ twittering can be heard everywhere.l still can remember the sounds of last night’s wind and rain .How many fallen flowers will we find today?(The spring morning by Meng Haoran of Tang Dynasty)
陳持平 / 壓克力顏料 / 91 x 72.5 公分 30F畫布 / 2023年
Chih-Ping Chen / 91 x 72.5 cm 30F canvas / Acrylic paint / 2023
(1)文獻回顧及個案分享:腦室周邊偽囊腫 Periventricular pseudocysts (PVPC)/台兒診所 王若婷放射師
(2)台兒個案討論:胼胝體發育不全/台兒診所 潘彥慈放射師
(5)藍中基醫師與我(六)/馬偕紀念醫院婦產部主治醫師 陳持平教授